
Chillin’ Out at Spring Novice
By Peyton Ong
The Screamin’ Eagles’ stretch of speech & debate tournaments continued this weekend at the Spring Novice tournament. Being one of the last tournaments before the state qualifier, novice and junior varsity (first or second year) team members were able to use the opportunity to refine their speeches. Spring Novice tends to lean towards being a more relaxed tournament, with no final rounds and no numerical rankings. Instead, the top speaker earns a medal, the top ranked 10% of each event earn Superior, and the top 11-20% earn Excellence.
Team members arriving at South Pasadena high school were welcomed with bitterly cold weather, although the chill was soon forgotten as competing members got in their practice “round zeros”. The newly paired Kristy Cai (JV, Junior) and Nathan Perez (JV, Sophomore) could be spotted running their new duo, which they had impressively prepared only about a week before the tournament. Before long, pairings had been announced, and competitors were off to their rounds.
Novice Jayla Tran (Freshman), competing in her first year of Dramatic Interpretation, shared about her rounds and experience. “This tournament was definitely an opportunity to practice my speech, but this tournament was fun for me as well! One of my judges complimented my outfit, and I figured out how to hold longer eye contact.”
Ryan Phung (Novice, Freshman) shared similar sentiments. “My drama round was super relaxed, the other competitors and judges were really nice and I felt at ease.”
Varsity Screamin’ Eagles weren’t absent from the tournament; some came to watch their fellow teammates and give them feedback on their speeches. Persephane & Peonie Hoang attended, and were able to spectate the rounds of some newer speakers. “We were super proud of all our novices and JV’s, and the first years who have grown so much from the beginning of the year!” they stated.
The atmosphere inside and outside of rounds felt almost serene, compared to the hustle of qualifier and varsity tournaments. Novices and JVs had the opportunity to bond with their peers and upperclassmen without the stress of making it to the final round. Teammates could be spotted eating together, debriefing their rounds, or simply chatting in between rounds.
Overall, Gabrielino Speech & Debate walked away with 14 champions! Congratulations to Emily Mai, Archie Lai, Chayse Hoang, Luke Christensen, Amy Liang, Nathan Perez & Kristy Cai, Aubrey Salaz, Gordon Zhen, Silver De Leon, Carl Aaron Lu and Bart Tran. Extra Congrats to freshman Cali Sadsad who won both Program Oral Interp and Dramatic Interp
The Team now ramps up to compete at the Stanford University Invitational this coming weekend.
Way to go Screamin’ Eagles
Spring Varsity Win Nets Two Legs
By Peyton Ong
January marks both the beginning of the year, and the beginning of an intense stretch of tournaments for the Screamin’ Eagles. Kicking off the cavalcade of competitions is the Southern California Debate League’s 2025 Spring Varsity tournament. Spring Varsity can be considered as a part two to the Fall Varsity tournament in December, where competitors have the opportunity to complete their auto qualification to the State Tournament.
The team went into the tournament with 12 “legs”, or 12 chances to automatically qualify. A Screamin’ Eagle needs 2 legs, one earned at Fall Varsity and the other at Spring Varsity. They can be earned by winning first or second place, but a competitor needs at least one first place leg to complete a set. If a speaker fails to complete their set, the leg is lost and they must attend the State Qualifier tournament in late February.
Going against 23 other schools and over 500 entries, the Screamin’ Eagles needed to go into the competition with high passion and energy. They only had two preliminary rounds to make their performance count. Owen Dowell (Junior, Varsity) said that the minimal rounds “made Spring Var a little scary, but in a fun way. One bad round can mean that you get knocked out and don’t get to compete for the rest of the day. I saw everybody bring their A+ game to this tournament because of that.”
GabSpeech had over 70 entries advance to the semifinal round. Chenlu Yang (Senior, Varsity) advanced to the semifinals of Program Oral Interpretation, and gave some insight on her experience. “Semis was a learning experience for sure. I didn’t get much feedback from my judges, but I picked up some things from the competition. I was also really proud to watch my teammates compete and see them advance!”
Finals were posted via posters around 3pm, and the entire tournament crowded around the small sheets. 25 Screamin’ Eagles had advanced to finals. Every team member who didn’t break piled into the final rooms to watch and support their teammates, and learn from the best speakers of the tournament. The seven top speakers in each event finished performing around 3:30 time, and then began the anticipation filled wait for awards. “In between finals and awards I was actually kind of chilling out.” said Cathryn Abrishami (Sophomore, Junior Varsity). “My goal for this tournament was to break finals, and I hit that goal. I felt accomplished and that I really gave a good performance, and the idea of my placement didn’t really affect that.”
Awards finally began as the sky began to darken, and Screamin’ Eagles waited with bated breath to learn who completed their legs. Sophomores Rachel Yip and Jolie Wang completed their leg in Duo Interpretation, automatically qualifying them to the State Tournament! Gabrielino won five of the 12 events, brought home 25 individual trophies and took 1st place, overall at the tournament with over 200 points. It was the 25th year in a row, GabSpeech won Spring Varsity.
Screamin’ Eagles aren’t out of the running yet; the State Qualifying tournament will occur in February, giving them another chance to make it to State. The team is working hard in preparation, also getting ready for the Spring Novice tournament this weekend and Spring Debate in two weeks.
Chase Ong (Junior, Varsity) gave his thoughts on the outcome of the tournament. “This was a prime example of how speech is always going to be subjective. You never know what a judge will be looking for, and every round is like performing for a completely new audience. And it’s not like you can change your speech in the middle of a tournament. The only thing you can do is give the performance 100%.”
25 Straight at Fall Varsity
By Peyton Ong
This weekend, the Gabrielino Screamin’ Eagles gathered at Mark Keppel High School for the first time in almost 30 years to attend the Southern California Debate League’s Fall Varsity Speech Tournament. As they awaited the announcements of the first round pairings, team members went through their practice “round zero”, talked with friends, and discussed both their hopes and anxieties of the competition.
SCDL Varsity tournaments are opportunities for competitors to earn “legs”, two of which are needed to auto qualify to the state tournament in May. Legs have specific criteria: they can only be earned at the two league varsity tournaments held this school year, they are only earned by the champion and second place winners of each event, and you must have at least one first place leg in order to auto qualify. The pressure was on for Screamin’ Eagles who wanted to have a guaranteed spot for May.
Owen Dowell (Varsity) explained his feelings on the stakes and pressure of the tournament: “I went into this tournament kind of nervous and really wanting to earn a leg, and before rounds started I found myself focusing on all the things that could go wrong or what I would do if I ended up not getting the rank I wanted. But then I realized that (mentality) was literally my O.O [Original Oratory speech]; it’s about how we tend to focus on the negative, and that’s exactly what I was doing. I needed to just focus on one performance at a time, and get through the tournament.”
Round one began around 8:00 A.M, although the official start of the tournament sparked some feelings for senior and team co-captain, Kara Mak. “Fall Var didn’t feel real; it dawned on me that this was my LAST Fall Var. The energy felt different to me, but I didn’t let it affect my performance.” The three preliminary rounds lasted for about an hour and a half each, and Mak stated in between rounds, she debriefed with teammates, had some food, and opportunities to bond with the underclassmen.
Valerie Leung (Varsity) shared similar experiences, and also gave her thoughts on the tournament. “It was interesting because I got to see a lot of new speeches, and I was able to learn from all of them. It’s early in the year so there’s still work to do, and with everything I was able to take away from the tournament I think I can definitely improve.”

Final rounds were announced around 2:15 P.M, with an impressive 39 individuals from Gabrielino advancing to the top seven competitors in each of their events. In an even more awesome feat, both the Declamation and Duo final rounds were composed entirely of Gabrielino speakers. Of all the speakers at the tournament, the top seven were all part of GabSpeech.
Senior Isaac Chan (Varsity) advanced to the final round of International Extemporaneous. “I didn’t expect to break, since everyone in my third round was really tough competition.” stated Chan. “It was my first time breaking at Fall Varsity in all my years in speech. I had a lot of fun at this tournament, I went in with a good mindset and I cooked.”
Awards were announced around 4:30 P.M, and the team anticipatedly waited to see who was able to score a leg. The Gabrielino Screamin’ Eagles had a total of 13 team members earn legs at the tournament, and 2 members earned legs in each of their two events. Congratulations to Oliver Li (Program Oral Interpretation, Spontaneous Argument) and Chase Ong (Humorous Interpretation, Duo Interpretation) for earning legs in both of their events!
GabSpeech won six of the 12 events offered. Kara Mak (senior) won Original Oratory, Shawn Cheng (senior) won Declamation (OI), Gabriella Sanchez (senior) won Original Advocacy, Oliver Li (sophomore) won Program Oral Interp (POI/TI). Junior Chase Ong won Humorous Interp. Chase also teamed up with freshman Dylan Nea to win Duo Interpretation.
Gabrielino took home first place in the entire tournament out of 21 schools after racking up 194 total points. The second place team had 33. It was the 25th straight year Gabrielino has won this particular meet.
The Screamin’ Eagles now take an extended break until after the holidays, when the spring tournaments begin to roll around. The next tournament will be the Southern California Debate League’s Spring Debate in January.
Novices and JVs Step Up
By Peyton Ong
The Fall Novice tournament took place on November 19th, with about 80 of the newer Screamin’ Eagles entering the competition. Speakers who participated in the tournament have been in speech & debate for two years or less, and are opportunities for first or second year speakers to have a chance to compete among others of their skill level. All 11 California High School Speech events were offered: Declamation, Dramatic Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Extemporaneous Speaking, Humorous Interpretation, Impromptu, Original Advocacy, Original Interpretation, Original Oratory, Original Prose & Poetry (OPP), and Program Oral Interpretation (POI). Novice tournaments also lack final rounds, resulting in a shorter tournament and no numerical rankings. Instead, the top speaker earns a medal, the top ranked 10% of each event earn Superior, and the top 11-20% earn Excellence.
Catherine Abrashami (Junior Varsity) competed in Original Advocacy and International Extemporaneous, both events she has been in for her two years on the team. “My competition felt very genuine for a novice tournament,” said Abrashami. “Everyone was very clean and it felt nice that everyone in my rounds was attentive and very encouraging. I had an IX question about the UAE’s (United Arab Emirates) economic strength that I responded really well to, and overall I think this tournament went great for me.”
Without varsity (three years in speech or more) speechers, rounds typically consist of a smaller number of competitors. Such was the case for Aubrey Salaz (Novice), who competed in Program Oral Interpretation (POI). “I honestly didn’t feel nervous about the tournament at all until it was my turn to speak during the first round. There were only about six people in POI though, so my nerves went away pretty fast.”
The tournament was structured into staggered rounds, meaning that there were longer durations of time between rounds for some Screamin’ Eagles. During their breaks, Aubrey Salaz and Audrey Ng spent the time getting food and chatting, while Catherine Abrashami took a well deserved nap.
But before her break, Audrey Ng (Novice) had to compete in her third and last round of Informative. “I wasn’t like Aubrey, I was really nervous for this tournament leading up to and during it. I had two events so I was kind of running around the entire day and didn’t really get a break until after my third round. I felt ok at the end though!”
Gabrielino had a total of 11 fledgling Screamin’ Eagles ranked as Superior, with Elizabeth Peng earning top speaker medals in both of her events (Dramatic Interpretation & Original Oratory) ! Other medalling Screamin’ Eagles were Cali Sadsad, Julie Bauzon, Tyler Diep, and Gorden Zhen. Six Screamin’ Eagles earned Superior in their event: Katelyn Tan & Luke Christensen, Nathan Perez, Alessander Melgares Diaz, Silver DeLeon, and Sofie Nimpoeno. Congratulations!
All levels of Gabrielino Speech & Debate will be competing in the Fall Varsity tournament on December 7th, with chances for competitors to “earn legs” and halfway auto qualify for the state tournament.

“The L.A Dodgers are morally obligated to provide recreational services to families that have been displaced by construction.” In the wake of their 2024 World Series win, the L.A Dodgers
were a subject of this year’s Fall Debate tournament. Dozens of our Screamin’ Eagles spent the weekend of November 1st and 2nd at Alhambra High School, going up against over 20 other teams from the Southern California Debate League,
Jennifer Quach (Varsity) and Andrew Lai (Varsity) were the recipients of the Dodgers Debate question, competing in Parliamentary Debate. Pairs are given a question, and then allowed 20 minutes to prepare an answer. “I think when we got that question, we were kind of confused since we had no idea what it was about.” said Quach. “After doing some research, we were able to form a case that the city of Los Angeles was responsible for displacing people to build the Dodger stadium. The city wanted the stadium to be built, and they were the ones who forced people to vacate the land so that they could sell it to the Dodgers. The team wasn’t responsible for the displacement.”

Other events enter the debate with previously prepared cases, such as varsity team member Silver DeLeon. They explained the process of their event; Lincoln Douglas Debate (L.D.): “For both L.D and Public Forum, we’re given a statement for about two months and make cases ahead of time. Then in each round, we’re told if we’re arguing on the affirmative or negative side of that statement.” DeLeon’s topic for this debate was that the U.S ought to implement a wealth tax.
Fall Debate consisted of four preliminary rounds, commencing with a final round of the top eight competitors of each event. Varsity team members Sofia Villagra, Aaron Situ, and Oliver Li all made it into the final round of Lincoln Douglas Debate. “The tournament was kind of funny for a couple reasons,” said Villagra. “There were a bunch of stairs, most of my rounds were outside and the sprinklers went off while I was speaking, and Oliver and Aaron had to go against each other in the final round.”
The tournament was an opportunity for competitors to earn “legs”, or chances to automatically qualify for the state tournament next year. A debater has to earn 1st place in their event at two qualifying tournaments, or earn 1st place at one tournament and 2nd place at another. Both legs of Lincoln Douglas Debate went to Screamin’ Eagles Oliver Li and Sovia Villagra.
Overall, the team was able to walk away with seven members earning 5th place or above in their events:
Oliver Li, Lincoln Douglas Debate - 1st place
Sofia Villagra, Lincoln Douglas Debate - 2nd place
Aaron Situ, Lincoln Douglas Debate - 4th place
Marco Cisneros-Farber & Ryan Phung, Public Forum - 3rd place
Jennifer Quach & Andrew Lai, Parliament - 5th place
Congratulations and well done to all our debaters! Our Screamin’ Eagles are preparing and practicing for their next competition; Fall Novice, happening on November 16th right here at Gabrielino!
Great Day at Gab Gab Gab Invite
By Peyton Ong
Gabrielino High School was bustling with activity on the morning of October 12th, hosting a soccer practice, volleyball competition, and the GabGabGab Invitational Speech and Debate tournament. Over 400 competitors and 100 judges from 20 schools traveled from as far away as San Diego to compete with our very own Screamin’ Eagles. The invitational is the first opportunity for Eagles to perform the speeches they have been working on all year. For some new members of the team, it was their first time ever performing a speech of their own.
The tournament offered varsity and novice categories of all 11 California High School Speech events: Declamation, Dramatic Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Extemporaneous Speaking, Humorous Interpretation, Impromptu, Original Advocacy, Original Interpretation, Original Oratory, Original Prose & Poetry (OPP), and Program Oral Interpretation (POI).
Due to the volume of events and competitors, the timeslots of the three preliminary rounds were forced to be staggered. For Samantha Wang (Novice), Round 1 of OPP began around 8:00 A.M, followed almost immediately by her POI round at 9:45 A.M.
“Since I was in two of the smallest events of the tourney--novice OPP and novice POI--I performed with the same people every round, besides the judge, which would change.” stated Wang. “I think this made it easier on me, since I was less anxious to perform in front of people who've already seen me perform before. Hopefully in the next tournament, there will be more people in OPP and POI, because I'd enjoy being able to perform for more people!”
As is present with many tournaments of senior year, a bittersweet sense filled in the air for Ximena Mercado. Mercado has been a part of the team for all four years of her high school career.
“I treated every round as if it were my last, which allowed me to bring out my passion.” said Mercado. “Throughout the day I felt a little nervous about the results but honestly, it was fun because I enjoy showcasing my speeches and spreading a message to the audience.”
Final rounds and their competitors were announced around 3:00 P.M, and began around 3:15. Mercado gave her feelings on her final round: “What made this tournament memorable was my final round of Declamation. I believe I gave my strongest and most passionate speech in that round. Additionally, the message in my dec was one that a judge resonated with and it made me feel accomplished and proud that I was able to tell somebody's story. After all, Declamation is an event where you give a voice to the voiceless.”
Awards were presented around 5:30 P.M, and the Screamin’ Eagles walked away with 50 awards and 7 champions! Congratulations to all of our finalists!
The Screamin’ Eagles have a long break, before competition season ramps up with Fall Debate in early November.
photo by Meggie Nguyen
Icebreaker Kicks Off 2024-25 Speech & Debate Season
By Peyton Ong
The 26th annual Icebreaker tournament set sail this Saturday at Gabrielino High School. In honor of National Talk Like a Pirate Day, which typically falls within the same week of Icebreaker, our 2024 Gabrielino Speech and Debate captains could be seen sporting tricornes and scarves while manning the sails. Icebreaker is the first (unofficial) tournament of the year, meant to give novice (first year) Screamin’ Eagles a taste of what a real tournament might feel like. Each new member of the team is given a varsity or junior varsity partner to compete with, either chosen by them, a coach, or assigned randomly.
Instead of entering into singular specific events, competitors go through three rounds; Improvisational Duo, Spontaneous Argument (SPAR), and, arguably the most loved and hated, Character Spontaneous Argument.
The first round of Icebreaker began at 8:30 A.M with Improvisational Duo. Competitors are given a prompt and a minute to prepare a humorous speech based on it.
“Me and my partner’s prompt for the Improv Duo round was a New Year’s Eve party, on doomsday.” Says Warren Situ (Novice). “I was a little intimidated because it felt like everyone else knew what they were doing, but I had a lot of fun working with my partner.”
Icebreaker is unique in many ways, such as being one of the only competitions to be manually tabbed. Instead of having one designated judge decide the rankings for the round, every group is ranked by their peers in the same room. Their rank of the round is determined by the six scores they receive from the other competitors. These scores are recorded on paper ballots, which are then handed off to a team in the tabroom. A handful of off duty Screamin’ Eagles and our captains then entered the scores one by one into an algorithm which tabulated the totals of every round. An hiccup in the code that didn’t account for extra competitors briefly halted operation before thankfully being resolved by one of our alumni. Thanks Sunny D!
Round two began around 9:30 A.M with SPAR. An argument was presented to two groups, who were either affirmative or negative with the opinion of the argument.
Natalia San Lucas (Varsity) and her partner embraced the low stakes of the tournament: “My partner and I decided to just have fun. We were on the negative side of the argument that nighttime is better than daytime. Icebreaker was a great bonding experience. I loved hanging out with my novice and getting to know her better!”
The final round of Icebreaker began at 11:30, being an identical format from the second round with the addition of a character prompt. Competitors now had to argue for their side while embodying valley girls, cats, and pop stars.
“Me and my partner were negative on the argument that chess was the superior sport, as soap opera stars.” Says Audrey Ng (Novice). “I didn't know what a soap opera was at first. It was really fun watching other people. It was probably the round that was the most fun to watch, since everyone gets the hang of things and some people get really into the character that they’re playing.”
Stanley Ho & Calileann SadSad earned 4th place overall, and Divine Mckenzie & Brayden Tran won 2nd! Congratulations!
Novice Ryan Phung gave his final thoughts on the tournament: “Icebreaker was amazing! We got to meet with a lot of people. Everyone around us was so kind, before every round we were talking, joking around, and getting to know a bit about each other. It felt like the entire thing went like a flash. I wish all tournaments could be this laid back and just fun. I'm looking forward to the next tournament!”
The first competitive tournament of the season is the Gab Gab Gab Invitational, on October 12th.
photo by Peyton Ong
Sofia "Sovia" in Semis
Since going from first place to last after the final round of United States Extemp (USX) at the 2023 East Los Angeles National Qualifying Tournament 15 months ago, junior Sofia Villagra has been on a mission. “Sovia”, as the team calls her, placed 6th at the ‘23 California State Championships the following month. She then qualified for the ‘23 National Championships at the last chance online tournament the following week. And she has been “locked in” ever since.
“I really was just focused on making every round better than the last,” the junior and Extemp Co-Event Leader. “In between rounds, I was even reading up on the news and the next topic area. I've gotten so much help from my coaches and our alumni. I was trying to make them proud."
In Phoenix last summer, Sovia competed with almost 300 other students in her event and ended up placing in the top 40 advancing to the National Octofinal Round. This year, after winning her debate event at both league varsity tournaments this year she went on to qualify for both the the State and National Championships in USX.
After the six preliminary rounds of competition in Iowa, Sovia gave two more speeches in the octofinal rounds, two more in quarters and two more in the semi final rounds. After 12 speeches in 12 rounds, Sovia earned 8th place at the tournament, just two places shy of being on the final round stage.
“Round 12 was one of the best speeches I’ve ever seen her give,” said one of the Screamin’ Eagles coaches. “Round 11 was good, but round 12 was out of this world.” Sovia added, “I really enjoyed being able to make so many people laugh. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten that much of a reaction as I did in semis and I’m so happy to be able to make politics funny and comprehensible.”
Sovia becomes the 9th Screamin’ Eagle to make it to the Semis, the top 14 in America. This is also the 4th year in a row, GabSpeech has had someone in the Semis or Finals.
By qualifying for The National Semi-Final round, Sovia has now automatically qualified for the 2025 National Championships next summer. “I’m beyond excited to come back and have even more fun next year,” the junior exclaimed. “And I’m glad to have opened up another spot (for an additional student to qualify for Nationals in the East LA District) in USX.”
Way to go SOVIA!!!! We are so proud of you.
Screamin’ Seniors Soar
By Peyton Ong
The Class of 2024 had a remarkable four-year run at Gabrielino. They were in vittural zoom classes for their entire freshman year. Their sophomore year saw them compete in speech tournaments entirely outside. And now, they have graduated in somewhat normal circumstances.
This year’s Screamin’ Eagles Seniors excelled in competition and in the classroom. Ten of our senior Screamin’ Eagles were named 2024 Academic All Americans! These Academic All Americans (AAA’s) have worked hard throughout their high school career to attain a 3.7 cumulative GPA and accumulated over 750 competition points as recognized by the National Speech and Debate Association. Team Co-Captains Thao Le and Garrison Chan lead the group of honorees along with Ava Doron, Kate Hamamoto, Anson Law, Ashley Lau, Sophia Pu, Sherry Shi, Christopher Torres and Kailey Trinh.
Fellow Team Co-Captain, Emi Naito, was selected as one of two seniors to at graduation. Naito is a four-year Screamin’ Eagle and has been in the State Finals or Semi-Finals in three different events during her time at Gabrielino (Oratory, Declamation and Original Prose & Poetry).
Naito was the first GabGrad speaker to ever use a prop. She brought her houseplant, Steve to the podium with her and compared the growth and challenges the Class of 2024 had to plants. Her inspirational message of continued growth and what is required for that growth were incredible words for the seniors to take with them into the real world.
The final chapter in the Gabrielino book for three of our seniors will be the National Championships later this month. Seniors Bryanna Quach, Lindsey Wong and Ashley Lau will be traveling with 15 of their younger teammates to Iowa to compete against the very best speakers in America.
We are incredibly proud of seniors. You have been an amazing part of our team for so long. We are really sad to see you go, but so very excited to watch what awesome things you do in the years to come. Don’t forget your team!!!!
Congrats Seniors
Winding Down at Knotts
By Thao Le
After a long, strenuous year, our Gabrielino Screaming Eagles took a day off to celebrate their successful season at he third annual Speech & Debate Day at Knott's Berry Farm. On May 21. 56 of our eagles got on a bus at 8 am to spend a day full of fun and exciting rides. The team was joined with several other teams from all over LA and Orange Counties.
As the school bus pulled up to the entrance, laughter and chatter filled the atmosphere, echoing the shared anticipation of the day ahead. For both students and adults, this trip was more than just a break from school; it was an opportunity to unwind, bond, and create lasting memories.
As the day progressed, many students expressed their satisfaction with the step back from all the final projects and exams being assigned as the school year came to a close.
“I really enjoyed taking a day off to hang out with my friends and get to perform in the park. I feel like we were able to scream out all of our stress from school on the roller coasters,” said one of our members.
As the sun heated up the afternoon, all students filed into the Plaza Theater located in the events center outside of the park to enjoy an afternoon of performances. As the seats began to fill up, students from across each team sat eagerly awaiting for the performances to begin. “I was so excited to see what people were going to perform. Since we had no knowledge of who was going to go, the anticipation was really pumping the adrenaline in me,” stated another member on our team.
One of our very own captains, Emi Naito, performed her Original Prose and Poetry (OPP) for the crowd that afternoon. After performing at our annual showcase just two weeks ago, Emi was excited to be able to give her speech one final farewell. “I was super ecstatic to be able to perform for such a large audience one last time. I really connected with my speech this year, and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to spread my message to so many people in my last year of speech,” Naito said.
After a fun trip to Knotts Berry Farm, th
e Screaming Eagles had yet another successful Speech Day. We would like to thank all of our coaches for making all of this happen. Wish our eagles luck as they soar onto Des Moines, Iowa, next month for Nationals!
The Force is Strong At Novice Champs
By Peyton Ong
The newer Gabrielino Speech and Debate team members attended the Southern California Debate League’s Novice/Junior Varsity Speech Championship Tournament on May 3rd and 4th. The debaters competed at Arcadia High School Friday afternoon and Gabrielino hosted the speech portion on Saturday. It was the fifth tournament Gab has hosted this school year and they made sure everyone understood what may The Fourth be with you, meant.
Novice Champs is an opportunity for Screamin’ Eagles to have fun instead of being at a high-stakes tournament like the state or the national qualifiers. Competitors like Chase Ong say that it’s one of the most relaxing and fun meet that the team attends all year long.
The speech tournament pattern consisted of three preliminary rounds, and a final round consisting of the top seven competitors in each event. As the competition fell on May 4th, parent volunteers designed the theme to revolve around Star Wars. May the force be with all of our boosters and volunteers who gave us their time and energy!
Novice Champs is the only tournament where finalists are announced in a less traditional manner. Large, colorful banners adorned the catwalks of the buildings surrounding the quad, listing the names of the finalists from each event. 39 of our JV and Novice Screamin’ Eagles broke into their final rounds, including twin siblings Cathryn Abrishami and Andrew Abrishami.
“Novice Champs was really fun. I know we all worked really hard to get our scripts ready, and I wholeheartedly believe we did a great job. I myself, along with my brother double broke in our two events!”
Gabrielino was the overall tournament champion out of the 20 schools in attendance for the 27th year in a row.
The Screamin’ Eagles now turn their attention to getting ready for the National Championships next month in Iowa. Way to go Screamin’ Eagles
Photo by Bianca Lua
Speech Showcases Their Passion, Pride
By Sophia Pu
The Gabrielino High School Speech and Debate team hosted its annual Gabrielino Screamin’ Eagle Showcase on May 10 and 11 in the Gary E. Goodson Theater. The Showcase lasted from 7 to 9 p.m. on both nights and featured eight performances each. Admission was free.
Friday’s setlist featured seniors Zoe Nimpoeno and Christopher Torres, junior Sofia Villagra, and sophomore Cedric Hua before the intermission. After intermission, the team’s seniors, accompanied by parents and other adult supporters, were recognized on stage along with an announcement of their post-graduation plans. There was also a surprise performance from a duo from Roosevelt Elementary School.
“Cedric’s was really funny,” said sophomore Sophia Sanchez. “It was my kind of humor because it was kind of cringe, but at the same time really entertaining. I’m a really big vocals, singing kind of person, so it was a topic I was very interested in.”
The second half of the show had performances from senior Sherry Shi, juniors Josephine Scannell and Kara Mak, senior Nicole Diep, and freshman Oliver Li.
“Jojo’s was really, I don’t even know how to put it into words,” Sanchez stated. “She got the emotions for the character and for Judy Garland down perfectly. You could genuinely see the raw emotion of the character she was trying to play, and on top of that, her word choices and the movements she was doing all just made sense to the point where I was just really interested the entire time.
In the first half on Saturday, sophomores Jaslin Situ and Zachary Tang, juniors Chenlu Yang and Marco Cisneros-Farber, and senior Kate Hammamoto performed. After Yang’s speech, which is on the lasting effects of mass shootings, there was a special shoutout to Brandon Tsay, the man who stopped the Monterey Park shooter, who was in the audience Saturday night.
"Brandon Tsay is a huge hero," said one audience member. "His brave actions saved so many lives that night. He has a busy media and appearance schedule yet he came here tonight just to see Chenlu's speech about shootings at public events. The stories these young people share really do reach a great amount of people."
After intermission, 8th grade students on the Jefferson Middle School Speech and Debate team were recognized on stage, along with their coach, Alison Hussar. The second half featured junior Gabriela Sanchez, followed by seniors Emi Naito, Ashley Lau, Bryanna Quach, and Lindsay Wong.
“[Bryanna and Lindsay’s] was very emotional, I even cried,” said junior Kelly Muñoz Rios. “I think it was really impactful because I’m also going through the same situation as well, and it reminded me that I shouldn’t be sad, and I should cherish every moment with my family member that’s going through that.”
The speeches ranged across genres, from humorous, to dramatic, to informative, to advocacy. Some speakers, such as Hua, Mak, Sanchez, and Naito, write their own speeches. Others make existing scripts their own, while Cisneros-Farber and Villagra have only 30 minutes to prepare their speech beforehand.
“It’s a roller coaster of emotions that you get to feel while watching the performances,” described Torres. “It’s a bunch of stories that you get to watch.”
Showcase was a chance for those not in Speech and Debate – friends, family, faculty, and more – to witness the diversity of Gabrielino Speech and Debate and what it is known for.
“Everybody on the Gab Speech team is very talented and dedicated,” said Cisneros-Farber. “So to be chosen to do Showcase means that you are representing the team and you have to put your best foot forward for the team.”
The event’s purpose was to raise team spirit, inspire prospective team members to join, and provide an overall entertaining, celebratory show.
“Personally, I saw a Showcase and that was a big factor in me staying in speech,” Quach shared. “I think Showcase is a lot more about highlighting all our hard work, not just ourselves, but as a team collective. […] It just shows people that we have stories to tell and to listen to us a little bit.”
For those performing, Showcase is meaningful because it allows them to show friends and family the product of their hard work.
“I practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays, [and now] I could just show my dad what I do in that time,” Mak stated. “I want [middle school spectators] to look at me and be like, ‘Oh, I want to be like her one day’ or like, ‘I want to do the event she does one day.’”
Showcase was also an opportunity for the speakers to spread the messages of their pieces outside of the competition setting, to a larger audience. Many of the students have personal connections to their topic.
“It hits closer to home because it’s something that I’m really passionate about, something that’s about my family,” said Torres, whose state championship-winning Program Oral Interpretation pieces together several texts to convey one message about migrant farmworkers. “I hope people will take away much more respect and appreciation for the work that Latino farmworkers do.”
Many other speakers handle heavy topics like Torres’, including Shi and Yang’s speeches on gun violence and Quach and Wong’s duo on terminal illness. Others are more lighthearted, including Hua’s informative speech on vocals or Naito’s original about a crazy classroom.
“I definitely did feel a connection to the script, especially seeing as it is about sisters and I have a lot of siblings in my family,” said Nimpoeno, who acts out voices and characters in her Humorous Interpretation of the play “She Kills Monsters” by Qui Nguyen. “I hope that [the audience] can see how fun speech can be […] even if you look a little silly doing it."
This article originally appeared in the Gabrielino newspaper, The Tongva Times
Read more of their awesome stories HERE
Last Chance Brings Both Joy and Sadness
Coming off a great showing at the State Championships two weeks before, the Screamin’ Eagles went into the National Speech & Debate Association’s (NSDA) Last Chance National Qualifier with great optimism. The team had more entries and were more prepared than last year. It looked like it was going to be another great weekend for the team.

There are over 100 local area in-person contests around America where students compete to qualify for the National Championships. The Last Chance Qualifier is the one online tournament for everyone who didn’t qualify at those 100 plus local area in-person tournaments.
Gabrielino had one of the largest speech entries in the tournament with a full contingent of four entries in almost every speech event. In that team were State Finalists from earlier in the month, Veena Sundaramoorthy and three-time national qualifiers Kate Hamamoto and Chris Torres.
“It’s pretty daunting, thinking of how you’re trying to be in the top 16 out of over 200 entries,” one member said in preparation for the tournament.
Competitors on the West Coast had to leave school early to get online for the first of the two prelim rounds scheduled for Friday. Saturday morning brought the first of the two remaining prelims and the two elimination rounds for the top 60 and top 30. Saturday morning also brought the first glimpse into potential setbacks for the team. Chris, the newly crowned State Champion in Program Oral Interpretation, had been sick for two days, which led to difficulty finding energy for his performances.
“You go from 200 plus down to 60 in the blink of an eye,” one of the coaches commented. “Before you even get a chance to celebrate the top 60, you could be out of the tournament.” When the first elimination round was announced, 17 of the 21 GABSpeech entries continued on, including Veena, Kate and Chris.
As the sun began to set on the Southland, the online tournament released the names of the competitors for the final round, the round of 30. The top 16 after this round, in every event, would qualify for Nationals. 10 Screamin’ Eagles were listed across the eight different events. Chris and Veena were named. Kate was not. She would not be making her fourth straight trip to the National Championships. “Kate not being in the top 30 sucks,” one team member said in the team’s squad room.
Not long after the final rounds had ended, a YouTube video scrolled the names of the top 16 in each event. Gabrielino already had 14 students qualified for the ‘24 Iowa Nationals. It was only a matter of time before those going would know if any of their teammates would be joining them.
When the video ended, the team had learned they would be taking an additional four more students. State Finalist and junior, Veena Sundaramoorthy qualified in Program Oral Interp, Sophomore Kayley Thai made it in Drama. Fellow sophomores Natalia San Lucas and Carter Mak are going to Nationals in Extemporaneous Speaking. The State Champ placed 19th and just missed the cutoff. Chris would not be going to Nationals for the fourth year in a row.
“Obviously, Chris and Kate not making it is devastating,” one of the coaches remarked. They work so hard. They have been duo partners all four years in high school. They are the only duo we have ever had where both duo partners were State Champions in their other event (Chris, POI 2024, Kate, Informative, 2022) They have both had incredible careers.”
“I’ve got roommates now at Nationals,” junior Sovia Villagra exclaimed. “Last year we spent almost an hour turning our hotel room upside down looking for Veena’s phone - which was in her backpack the whole time. Nationals is a great chance to create memories and I guess this year, eat some corn in Iowa.”
The 2024 Nationals Team now is at 18. The Screamin’ Eagles now have to turn their attention to the next generation as the novice and jv students have their league championship coming up in May.
Congratulations to all the competitors for dealing with all the challenges online tournaments present. You all did great.
photos from NSDA
Gabrielino's All-State Superstars of 2024
By: Hensen Hy
San Gabriel Valley's Gabrielino High School, home to one of the top Speech and Debate teams in California and the 10th largest team in the nation, once again dominated the landscape with their brilliant performances. The California High School All-State Team recognizes the hard work, dedication and achievement of the top students from throughout the State.
This year’s team includes 20 GAB Speech and Debate members Leading the team is the 2024 State Champion and senior Christopher Torres. He is joined by seniors Sherry Shi, Kate Hamamoto, Violet Magallanes, Nick Lee, Nicole Diep, Emi Naito, and Sophia Pu. They dominated the competition during their last year, and are going out with a bang.
Alongside the seniors, are underclassmen Kara Mak, Cedric Hua, Veena Sundaramoorthy, Oliver Li, Gabby Sachez, Aaron Situ, Rachel Yip, Liliana Simpson-Castaneda, Chenlu Yang, Ximena Mercado, Marco Cisneros-Farber and Sofia Villagra joining Gabrielinos 2024 All-State Team.
All this could not be possible without the diligent work of the many coaches. Let’s thank all the coaches and congratulate the students on such a big achievement!
Keep Screaming Eagles!
Photo by Bianca Lua and Meggie Nguyen
The Screamin’ Eagles have consistently placed in the top 13 schools in America and have been THE top program in the southern half of California for 15 of the past 18 years. Only one or two of those schools ahead of us in America are Title 1 schools (low socioeconomic schools). Speech and Debate is an activity greatly favoring rich students and schools.
Donations help us give all 250 students various opportunities throughout the year and not just a select few.
If you would like to support one of the best speech & debate programs in America, please send check or money order to:
Gabrielino High School Speech & Debate Team
1327 S. San Gabriel Blvd.
San Gabriel, CA 91776
Payable to: Gabrielino HS Speech Team