11th Grade infomation
Update your four-year plan on Naviance during your small group meeting with your counselor. This will ensure that you are on track to meet the requirements of the programs and colleges you are considering.
Check your e-mail frequently!
Consider enrolling in Advanced Placement classes. Earning qualifying grades on AP Exams can increase your chances of college admission and scholarships, and you may receive credit for equivalent courses at numerous colleges and universities.
Take the PSAT in October as practice for the SAT Reasoning Test you will take at the end of your junior year and the start of your Senior year. Students should link their PSAT scores to the Khan Academy Test Prep.
Continue participating in extracurricular school and community activities and updating your brag sheet.
Students considering applying to college via Early Action or Early Decision should notify their counselor.
Participate in summer academic enrichment programs and workshops.
July – August (prior to Junior year)
- Use college and career search tools in Naviance, visit colleges, and learn about specific admissions requirements.
- Add Colleges and Careers I'm Thinking About to lists in Naviance
- Make up D’s or F’s in summer school.
- Get PSAT, SAT Reasoning Test, SAT Subject Tests, AP, and ACT schedules
- Participate in extracurricular activities.
- Prospective college athletes who plan to play Division I or Division II sports by registering at the NCAA Eligibility Center
- Register for PSAT as practice for the SAT Reasoning Test
- Take the PSAT
- Continue college/career search in Naviance
- Attend college information session in the College and Career Center, attend the Four Year College Fair, contact admissions officers, and take tours of different colleges
November - December
- Review PSAT results and use them to identify strengths and areas for improvement and link PSAT scores to the Khan Academy Test Prep
- Review SAT and/or ACT prep materials.
- Determine if you need to take SAT Subject Tests and do so as soon as possible after you've completed the corresponding class.
January – February
- Begin narrowing college list to 8 – 10 schools (including several with requirements above your current GPA/rank and at least two with requirements below your current GPA/rank) during your small group Naviance meetings with your counselor.
- Register for Spring SAT and ACT tests, and AP exams.
- Meet with counselor to select courses for Senior year.
- Continue contacting colleges on your list and ask about admissions info, requirements, deadlines, activities.
- Start looking for summer jobs/internships/volunteer opportunities/summer school programs at colleges.
- Review Fund Your Future for financial aid information
- Community College & Career Training Fair
- Sign up on Naviance to take the ASVAB test to assess career path.
- Participate in the Early Assessment Program (EAP) as part of the CAASP testing. Be sure to release your CAASP scores to the CSU system. Your performance on the EAP will be used as part of multiple measures of academic proficiency to determine whether you are prepared for college level math and English.
- Talk with your counselor and teachers about writing letters of recommendation.
- Continue to search for meaningful and challenging summer activities.
- Sign up for summer school classes, as needed.
- Students considering applying to college via Early Action or Early Decision should notify their counselor and attend a mandatory workshop in the College and Career Center.
- Take SAT and AP exams as necessary
- Complete a resume of activities, accomplishments, work experience, etc in Naviance
- Finalize course selections for Senior year
June – August (after Junior year)
See Junior Summer Checklist below
- Practice writing applications, essays, resumes, etc.
- Narrow list of colleges to 6 - 10 schools and note admissions requirements
- Create a calendar of all admissions and financial aid deadlines
- Research scholarships in Naviance and in FastWeb
- Participate in summer internships.
- Visit colleges – call in advance for tour/open house dates/times.
- Register early for Fall SAT and ACT tests.
All college and career readiness documents are accessible in the Naviance Document Library.