Incoming 9th Grade Course List

Incoming 9th Grade Course List

Core Classes

Honors ELA grade 9 – Entrance requirements

Students notify their high school counselor of their interest. A google classroom code will be shared with students. Students will have to submit a previously completed writing assignment or essay by due date TBD (to be determined). Selection based on grades and submission of an assigned writing sample. Tie breakers based on English placement test (reading/writing assessment) given in Spring


Placement into the course will be determined by the number of sections offered and in collaboration between school administration and English 1 Honors teachers.  Summer reading/assignment required.


Students will be informed of their placement when they pick up schedules in August.


Honors Math

Grade 9-Entrance requirements

Ninth grade students should indicate their interest in honors math by notifying their high school counselor. Students will be selected for honors math based on their math grades, benchmark scores when available, and teacher recommendation. 


Students will be informed of their math placement when they pick up schedules in August.


Students new to the district should indicate their interest in honors math to their counselor.  Transcripts and grades will be used to determine placement. 


Grade 9-Math Placement

Ninth grade students are placed into math courses based on available data including but not limited to grades and benchmark exams.  Final placement is determined by the department chairs and Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction.


Ninth graders new to the district will submit their transcript for placement determination. 


Students will be informed of their placement into math when they pick up schedules in August. 


Most ninth grade students take algebra or geometry.


Honors Biology 

Grade 9-Requirements

Students can express their interest in the honors biology course by informing their high school counselors during the pre-registration process.

Final selections will be made using grade point average, grades in science courses, benchmark scores when available, and teacher recommendations.

Ninth graders new to the district can submit their transcript and letters of recommendation for placement determination.

Students will be informed of their placement into honors biology when they pick up schedules in August.

Instrumental Music: Melissa Romero, director [email protected]

Marching Band/Concert Band:  2-3 years participation in middle school or high school band. Students must be able to read printed sheet music for the instrument they intend to play in the ensemble. Class requires attendance at two-week summer band camp prior to the start of the school year.  Concert Band Auditions for chair placement will be held during the second week of the school year, and placement within the ensemble and section will be based on teacher approval. (No Guitar.)  Only students who complete both semesters will meet the college requirement for VAPA.


Jazz Band (all year): Placement in ensemble based on participation and citizenship standing in marching band, audition, and by teacher approval.


String Orchestra (all year): 2-3 years participation in middle school or high school orchestra. Students must be able to read printed sheet music for the instrument they intend to play in the ensemble. Class placement will be done by recommendations of middle school orchestra teacher. Auditions for chair placement within the ensemble and section will be held during the second week of the school year. (No guitar.)


Choir: David Pitts, director (audition with David Pitts or JMS Choir Director) [email protected]

  • Vocal Ensemble (beginning mixed) – Freshmen and all first time choral students.  No audition or prerequisite.
  • Women’s Chorus-Prior choir experience required.
  • Concert Choir-Prior choir experience required. 


Speech and Debate: Derek Yuill, Director [email protected]

Beginning Speech is a prerequisite for Advanced Speech.


Students can take Beginning Speech in the summer. If they choose, they may then enroll in Advanced Speech in the fall.


Students who do NOT take Beginning Speech in the summer may enroll in Beginning Speech in the fall.


Some students in Beginning Speech (school year course), in the past, have been moved from Beginning Speech to Advanced Speech at the end of the first semester.


Other Electives


Yearbook: Phil Zamora, advisor [email protected]

A or B in English or previous experience in Yearbook.

Student with a C or less grade in English, please email Mr. Zamora.


Journalism: Marguerita Drew, advisor [email protected]

A or B in English class.


Peer Helping 1: Chad Budde, advisor [email protected]

Interest list will be gathered by counselors and the final selection of students will be made by the Peer Helping 1 teacher.


AP Computer Science Principles-Robotics students @ JMS receive priority consideration. Prerequisite: Completed algebra 1.  If room, we will consider concurrent enrollment in Algebra


Python - Simple intro computer programming language. One-year course covers basics all the way up to graphics and animation.


Visual Arts


Intro to Art (no prerequisite). Completion of Introduction to Art is required before students can access any other art course.  


  • Immediately effective - Students who wish to enroll in a visual art class at Gabrielino High School may waive the prerequisite- Intro to Art, if they received a passing grade in Advanced Art at Jefferson Middle School, AND a recommendation by the instructor, Stephen Parise. SGUSD Visual Art instructors will collaborate to ensure curriculum alignment between the grade levels. 

A regular ninth grade schedule would consist of the following six classes:

  • English
  • Math
  • Science
  • Health/Ethnic studies
  • PE
  • Elective


A student choosing to take seven classes can select up to two elective classes.

7 courses include a 0 period which starts at 7:30 am

Limited courses are available for 0 period.


Computer Science

3823 Python

3841 AP Comp Sci Prin

3845 AP Comp Sci A


8330 Business Communication 1

9703 Graphic Design 1* 

9729 Stagecraft 1             

7510 Woodcraft 1              

Foreign Language

5250 Mandarin 1AB

5010 Spanish 1AB                                                       
5020 Spanish 2AB  or 5052 Span/Span 2AB*

Non-departmental Electives
9020 Beg. Speech            9020 Adv. Speech* 

9070 Peer Help 1* 

9150 AVID 9*                    
9000 Journalism*                        

9010 Yearbook*


3100 Algebra 1AB

3300 Geometry AB or 3310 Geometry Honors

3200 Algebra 2 AB or 3210 Algebra 2 Honors

3400 Pre-Calculus AB or 3410 Pre-Calculus Honors

3500 Calculus AB

3510 AP Calculus AB

Visual & Performing Arts 

7000 Intro to Art AB

7070 Art in Motion 1*             

7020 Ceramics AB*               

7010 Draw/Paint AB*                     

7072 Printmaking*

7050 Sculpture*


7103 Jazz Band*
7109 Marching Band* (Fall) / Concert Band* (Spring)

7106 Orchestra* 


7212 Chamber Choir*

7220 Concert Choir              

7230 Vocal Ensemble              

7211 Women’s Chorus


7105 Pageantry*      


7090 Dance 1AB 

7300 Drama 1AB   

7107 Music Appreciation

* = prerequisite/teacher approval
Underlined classes = Weighted class           

 Italicized = NOT college prep course



The San Gabriel Unified School District prohibits unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying of any student by anyone, based on the student's actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status or pregnancy, physical or mental disability,  sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics at any district school, school activity, program and/or employment. All inquiries or concerns regarding discrimination, equity and Title IX complaints or issues should be directed to the Deputy Superintendent of Educational Services (Discrimination/Equity and Title IX Coordinator) at (616) 451-5400, 408 Junipero Serra Dr., San Gabriel, CA 91776.


If you would like to schedule an appointment, please email your student’s counselor.


Counselors by student last names:


A -Eck: Monica Hagge [email protected]

Eda - Laz: Jocelyn Machado [email protected]

Le - Ngo: Jaqueline Borja [email protected]

Ngu - Tam:  Maribel Arreola-Gonzalez [email protected]

Tan - Z: Amanda Ly      [email protected]


Wellness Center Coordinator: Chris Saporito - [email protected]


The goal of the counseling department of GHS is to schedule every student for success.  The counselor, student, and family will consider student goals and aspirations, prior testing, past classroom performance, and level of courses in planning for each year’s course of study. A maximum of 40 credits may be taken in a semester.



English = 4 years (2 semesters and 10 credits each year)

Mathematics = 2 years (including Algebra)

World History = 1 year

U.S. History = 1 year

Government = 1 semester /Economics = 1 semester

Life Science course = 1 year (Biology or Anatomy)

Physical Science course = 1 year (Chemistry, Physics, Conceptual Physics)

Physical Education = 2 years (PE, sports, athletic conditioning)

Fine Arts or Foreign Language = 1 year

Electives = 70 credits (each semester of any course is worth 5 credits)



The UC and CSU systems have identical entrance requirements which are known as the A-G requirements.  They are as follows, for both systems:

  • two (2) years of history/social science
  • four (4) years of English
  • three (3) years of mathematics with at least Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2
  • two (2) years of laboratory science (Bio and Chemistry or Physics)
  • two (2) years or level 2 of the same foreign language
  • one (1) year of visual/performing arts (drama, choir, music, oral interpretation, or art)
  • one (1) year of college prep elective

It should be noted that these are the minimum entrance requirements for both systems.  The UC/CSU systems have always and will continue to recommend that students have an additional year of mathematics, science and foreign language.  The UC also expects students to be enrolled in mathematics in their senior year.


The majority of private universities have the same eligibility requirements as the UC/CSU systems although some may recommend an additional year or two in foreign language, math or science. Students are encouraged to research the individual private university websites for their requirements and plan their high school courses accordingly.  We encourage students to discuss their interest in private universities with their counselors as early as possible.